
Basic Info

- Straight male (he/him)
- LGBTQ+ friendly
- College student (should give you an idea of my age range)
- Asian-American (Filipino to be exact)
- Lives somewhere in the Midwest United States
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- Pokémon Unite (as a competitive player)
- Super Smash Bros Melee (as a semi-active competitive player)
- The Legend of Zelda series
- Xenoblade Chronicles series
- Pokémon as an entire franchise
- May look at other franchises from time to time (such as Mario, Kirby, Pikmin, etc.)
Memeable games that I've gotten into and may play once in a while
- Minecraft
- Counterstrike: Global Offensive
- League of Legends
- Fortnite
- Valorant
Other Interests
- Rubik's Cube speedsolving
- Classical music
- Checking out, and occasionally making art or commissioning people to make me art
- Video editing
- Math (yes, I know I'm a nerd)
- Long distance running
- Going to the gym
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- Self harm and/or suicide
- Alcohol addiction
- Being horny on main
- Words being used as slurs
- Homophobia/transphobia
- Sexism
- Cults
- Ouija boards
- Shipping me with other people I'm not in a relationship with
Phobias (it is okay for anyone to be fascinated by these, just don't directly get me involved with these):
- Dragonflies
- Large open bodies of water
- Box cutters
- Needles
Do Not Interact If:
- You think any of my triggers is okay (whether you are being serious or joking)
- You are going to use any of my phobias against me
- You have shown problematic behavior and has also shown you have also not changed
- You are an MAP/pedophile or MAP/pedophile supporter
- If you have ever backstabbed me in the past
- You have been directly rude to me and have never made mends for your actions
- You are choosing to associate with the people who are the reason why I quitted comp Splatoon
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Other Things About Me

- My old name used to be "ianboi"
- Favorite color is purple
- I stream and make content on Twitch and YouTube (more info in My other media)
- I am on the autism spectrum, so if it seems like I'm mindlessly doing or saying something that comes off of questionable, mean, and/or rude please let me know so I can stop. Because of this I also need tone indicators a lot of the time (like /j or /srs)
- I am strictly a straight male, but I am also an LGBT+ friendly person. If you are LGBT+ don't be afraid to talk with me as we are all here to have a good time
- I used to do Splatoon competitively
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